About me

Who am I

I am currently working as a data analyst in Austin, Texas. I have a Ph.D. in Geographical Information Sciences at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. My interest mainly focuses on data mining, algorithms, and data visualization. I try to solve all my problems using Python, but would resort to other tools including R and MATLAB when necessary. I am also always interested in learning other new techniques and implement what I learn to help better problem solving and decision making.

In my spare time, I enjoy going on a road trip and exploring a mixture of cities and nature is on the top of my list. I also love photography, especially street photography and portrait. Currently I use a Fujifilm X-T20 camera. You can find some of my work in the Gallery.

Why I started this website

Yes, I have accounts at WordPress, Blogger, Flickr, and many other websites for various purposes. However, for a long time I was not even aware that I NEED a personal website. A place that can be centrally managed so I do not have to divert my time and energy registering many usernames, memorizing my passwords, clicking through different websites. Doing all these things at different locations can be frustrating and slowly I lost interest in updating none of them.

I need a place to record my everyday ideas, my computer science notes, my photos, my portfolio, and maybe in the future I will add many other things. Fortunately Github’s personal page provides an ideal platform for my situation. I have full control over the stuff I write, how I decide to present them, and almost everything can be customized. Thanks to open-source tools including Jekyll and Minimal Mistakes, building this website was much easier than it otherwise would be.